Halloween is almost here!
so Re-do it is.
I went back to the thrift store and the only thing I could find was a long white button down shirt but it looked good as an open jacket also.
- White shirt/jacket (Goodwill $4)
- Black electrical tape (2pk at Dollar Tree)
- Scissors
- Cork board (optional)
I laid down a cork board in the shirt & then buttoned it up to make the shirt more stable.
Depending on your pants you'll want to determine the width of the tape. My pants were just a little bit wider than the width of the electrical tape so I only laid down 1 strip of tape instead of the two I did with the last jacket.
Keeping on taping.
For the sleeves make sure to tape them all the way to the end seam.
***When trying the shirt on I liked it better folded up to make it more fitted. It was easily taped inside with extra electrical tape.

Black corset, bought in 2016 for $6 on Amazon but my oh my have those prices changed.
I ordered an XL but could have gone down to a L.
I purchased my leggings for $9.99 through Amazon but of course the price will change.

The shoes were pretty expensive, $15 plus $10 shipping on Amazon & no longer available.